Leopard 10.5.3 update works just fine, cures babies of cancer, feeds the homeless, protects you while you sleep

Picture 14 1I’m fortunate. My upgrade to 10.5.3 from 10.5.2 took about 15 minutes and went off without a hitch. Sadly, some people aren’t as lucky.

No notable differences jump off the screen, though the fix to Spaces is quite nice. Before, if I had two windows from the same app — Say, Firefox — in two different spaces, a click on the Dock icon would take me back to the first one, no matter what space I was in. This now just takes me to the one in the space I’m in, or else to the first one. I like it.

You might still want to back up, but after bravely facing sniper fire, I declare the update ready to go.


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